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Public round table on the Ukraine crisis

Experts from The University of Nottingham are getting together for a public discussion on the crisis in Ukraine. If you are interested in the events in Ukraine and Crimea, this cross-disciplinary roundtable Q&A event takes place at 5pm on Wednesday 9 April 2014 in the Sir Clive Granger Building on University Park. The event ‘Embittered Past? A …

The teenage brain – work in progress

The University of Nottingham is taking part in a  European wide study which aims to identify and learn more about the biological and environmental factors that might influence mental health in teenagers. It is recalling its 2000 volunteers for the second stage of the research. The IMAGEN Study recruited the teenagers at 14. Now, at …

Entrepreneurship professor to help shape business ideas at Nottingham

The Haydn Green Institute for Innovation and Entrepreneurship is further expanding its expertise thanks to the appointment of entrepreneurship expert Professor Dawn DeTienne. Professor DeTienne is based at the University of Colorado and will be contributing to the Institute – which is part of Nottingham University Business School – through her role as visiting professor. …

Best of the blogs 17-23 March

Ukraine’s future depends on a delicate power game in the East Adam Swain, Associate Professor of Economic Geography, continues to offer further insight on the developments in Ukraine on our Press Office blog. Dr Swain has been out in the country over the past week, sharing pictures and expert commentary on the events unfolding there. You …

Three peaks challenge to help the charity that funds his cardiac research

A Nottingham academic, who is studying new ways of treating sudden death syndrome, is to take part in the Yorkshire Three Peaks challenge and help raise money for the charity that funds his research. Professor Chris Denning, is carrying out a two-year project  into the treatment of abnormal heart rhythms. He is to tackle a …

Charnwood University of the Third Age – photography visit

Malcolm Coulton, Photography Group Leader from Charnwood U3A, got in touch earlier this year to ask if they could spend a morning taking pictures on Jubilee Campus. He said: “We are Charnwood University of the Third Age , a national organisation for retired  people  to continue learning. Charnwood has nearly 1000 members and operates some 80 different …

Ukraine’s future depends on a delicate power game in the East

Crimea is lost Ukraine’s future depends on a delicate power game in the East. Adam Swain, Associate Professor of Economic Geography, says now that Ukraine has lost Crimea, which seems certain to be reunited with the Russian Federation, the future of the remainder of the country depends on what happens in the urban, industrial and …

‘Is Ukraine governable? Redux’

Adam Swain, an expert in post-soviet Europe in the School of Geography has just returned from Ukraine. With just two days to go before the Crimean referendum he revisits the question he posed in his previous blog. Just over three weeks ago I posed the question as to whether Ukraine was governable. At the time …

Two Mikados, one university

Of all the things you could list to justify the assessment of The University of Nottingham as ‘the nearest Britain has to a truly global university’*, you might expect a comic musical written almost 130 years ago to be somewhere near the bottom. However, two independent productions of Gilbert & Sullivan’s The Mikado have provided …

Geography students to help in search for missing Malaysia Airlines jet

Using Earth observation satellite platforms students at The University of Nottingham Malaysia Campus are being asked to help in the search for the missing Malaysian Airlines flight MH370. The Malaysian authorities have now extended their search for the missing plane – the area has now covers both sides of the Malaysian peninsular – a total of 27,000 …