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New research backs Nottingham claims Bard’s ‘lost’ play is genuine

A new study by a team of Texan academics has strongly suggested that a disputed play was indeed penned by William Shakespeare, backing previous research by a Nottingham professor published in 2010. The original authorship of the 18-th century play Double Falsehood has long been debated and the new research by scholars at The University …

Experience life as a science journalist – deadline tomorrow!

There are just a few hours left to apply for a funded place on the British Science Association’s Media Fellowship Scheme. Deadline tomorrow. If you have a real enthusiasm for science communication – and can give examples to support this – then read on. Additional info you might find useful: This scheme is for practising scientists. …

In cancer comparisons, let’s save life years in the quest to save lives

Professor David Walker, Professor of Paediatric Oncology at the Children’s Brain Tumour Research Centre and President of the British Neuro-Oncology Society, on why saving lives in the fight against cancer should not be the only focus, especially for children and young people affected by rare forms of the disease. The UK’s poor performance in cancer survival statistics requires …

Dr Miwa Hirono – the University expresses ‘extreme disappointment’ at Home Office decision

“The University of Nottingham is extremely disappointed that one of its most promising and talented academics, Dr Miwa Hirono, will be leaving the UK to take up a post overseas following  the Home Office’s decision that she and her family are no longer welcome in the country. “We are saddened by the decision of the Home …

Want to experience life as a science journalist?

Would you like to discover, first hand, what it’s like to work as a science journalist on a national newspaper, a television news desk or Nature News? How you like to send up to six weeks embedded with a national news organisation or  programme making team? This year, for the first time, The University of …

A big week for dementia

Tom Dening, Professor of Dementia Research at the Institute of Mental Health at The University of Nottingham, takes a look at this week’s major news announcements related to tackling dementia and funding new research into the degenerative condition. Although dementia is rarely out of the news and indeed often on the front pages of certain national papers, …

Sailing spiders

There’s something weird happening in the Spider Lab at The University of Nottingham. Spiders are taking to the water and ‘sailing’. This remarkable feat was observed by Dr Morito Hayashi when he was studying the activity of money spiders. Head of the University’s Spider Lab is Dr Sara Goodacre. The spider’s ability to ‘sail’ came as a …

New ‘manifesto’ for the health humanities

A new book by mental health experts at the University provides the world’s first manifesto for the new field of health humanities. Health Humanities, co-authored by Professor Paul Crawford — who was appointed the world’s first Professor in Health Humanities in 2011 — and colleagues in the Institute of Mental Health, draws upon the multiple …

New dementia arts hub for Nottingham

A new research hub looking at how painting, puppetry, singing and other arts can improve dementia care is being launched at the University. The Arts and Dementia (TAnDEM) doctoral training centre, funded by a grant from The Alzheimer’s Society, will be split 50-50 between Nottingham and its partner The University of Worcester. It will support …

Coeliac disease rates among young children has almost tripled in the last 20 years

The number of young children being diagnosed with coeliac disease in the UK has almost tripled in the last 20 years, according to research led by experts at The University of Nottingham. The study, published in the Archives of Disease in Childhood and jointly funded by the charities Coeliac UK and CORE, also found that …