May 6, 2012, by Harry Waddle

Town and Gown 2012: The results are in

After a full day of competitive matches across fourteen sports, the inaugural Town and Gown competition, perhaps fittingly, came down to the final set of the last match.

As teams from The University of Nottingham and their opponents from across the City looked on, the City Rockets Volleyball team secured the win needed to tie the Olympic-style multi-sports event.

After the handshakes a delighted Nige Mayglothling said: “Our teams often play in local leagues but have never had the opportunity to be part of a multi-sports event against the City until today.

“The standards of the City and the University sides were very high, and with a few exceptions due to some quite outstanding players, we’ve had some really tight games.”

Nige, who came up with the concept of the a City versus University competition, picked out the performances of the University archers, Nottingham Forest Ladies Football team and the City Croquet Club for particular praise.

But concluded: “The event has also helped foster healthy City-Uni links for the coming years, so excellent outcomes all round.”

Town and Gown was the first of the ‘five ring legacy games’ which the University is holding in the run up to London 2012. Other events include: the Independent Schools Games, the Nottinghamshire School Games, the FE Further Games and a welcome return to the UK of our own Tri-Campus Games.

The final scores were:

Archery:  Wilford Bowman 2  University 23
Badminton:  City Shuttlers 3   University 5
Men’s Basketball: Nottm Hoods 47  University 67
Ladies Basketball: City Baskettes 42  University 37
Croquet:  Nottm City Croquet 114  University 42
Ladies Football:  Nottm Forest Ladies 10  University 2
Ladies Hockey:  Beeston HC 2   University 2
Men’s Hockey:   Beeston HC 3   University 4
Korfball:   City Korfball 18   University 21
Netball :  City Aces 44   University 23
Squash:   City Squash 5   University 5
Table Tennis:  Sycamore TT 6   University 4
Ultimate Frisbee: City Flyt 10   University 15
Volleyball:  City Rockets 3   University 2

Overall Draws 2 City 6  University 6  Event Drawn

Our thanks go to all who helped make the Town and Gown such a friendly yet competitively close event. To find out more about sport at The University of Nottingham, visit:

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