April 2, 2014, by Lindsay Brooke

The teenage brain – work in progress

The University of Nottingham is taking part in a  European wide study which aims to identify and learn more about the biological and environmental factors that might influence mental health in teenagers. It is recalling its 2000 volunteers for the second stage of the research.

The IMAGEN Study recruited the teenagers at 14. Now, at 18, the same volunteers are back to see how their brains have changed over the last four years. The aim is to investigate factors that lead to the emergence of mental health issues such as mood disorders and substance abuse in adolescents.

The study, the first major study of its kind, is being led by Penny Gowland, a Professor of Physics at The University of Nottingham and Tomas Paus, a Professor of Psychology and Psychiatry at the University of Toronto. It is using genetics, brain imaging, psychological tests and interviews to get a better idea of how the teenage mind works.


Posted in Physics and AstronomyResearch newsScienceStaff