May 7, 2013, by Lindsay Brooke

BBC’s flying archaeologist drops in on University dig

University of Nottingham archaeologist Dr Will Bowden featured on BBC 4’s new Flying Archaeologist series last night. He was chatting to Ben Robinson about the Caistor St Edmund dig close to the Norfolk Broads.

The site is one of only three major Roman towns in Britain that doesn’t lie beneath a modern settlement. Will and his team have been excavating the site for the last four years. The dig near Norwich involves Nottingham MA and UG students as well as local volunteers and professional supervisors.

The big question they ask is why there isn’t a town there now. Catch-up on BBC iPlayer –

Asked about their plans for 2013 Will said: “In 2013 the Caistor team are continuing the long-term field survey project around the Roman town and completing the post-excavation analysis from the last 4 years of digging. The aim is to publish the results so far and establish new questions for future excavations”.

Here’s will being interviewed at the end of the first dig in 2009

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