November 30, 2021, by School of Medicine

From MPT to Covid Vaccinator and Beyond

Hi everyone!

My name is Ines and I’m a third year MPT student. I’m currently working on writing my UCAS application to become a Physician Associate. This course has been my goal for quite a long time so I’ve been using free time to get work experience to boost my application. Of course, the pandemic didn’t help anyone and that includes me, but a positive outlook on my future made me research what I could do given the circumstances.

After some research I came across the St. John’s Ambulance volunteering programmes. I learned that they were looking for members of the public with science knowledge to undergo some training and become Covid-19 vaccinators and so I applied. During my interview I mentioned my MPT course knowledge about immunity within the human body, vaccination, herd immunity and muscle repairing. The previous knowledge from my degree aided the application process as I got an email the next day confirming my place within the organisation.

I did the training process where we learnt how to correctly vaccinate, how to handle the vaccination material and how to act post vaccination should someone feel unwell. As during the lab sessions in MPT I’d already learned how to correctly dispose of medical equipment and understood the mechanism of action behind an anaphylactic shock, I’d say the training was interesting and a smooth journey.

Once I started vaccinating, I was a little bit scared as this would be my first time dealing with members of the public. However, after a couple of attempts I was settled in, almost like it was exactly what I’m supposed to be doing. It felt right.

I’ve since worked with elderly people that have mobility difficulties, foreign people that don’t speak English and even people that have lost a relative. It’s been a challenging journey full of rewards and it is good to get home at the end of a shift and know you’ve helped someone today. I’m currently volunteering in between my course lectures and seminars, and it’s been an amazing and fascinating journey.

The MPT course has given me the knowledge I have that allowed me to volunteer within this field and certainly boost my applications to become a Physician Associate. Next stop, London?

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