More tips for the wards!

Hi everyone, Jon again with some more high quality wisdom for clinical placements! 3. Learn the surgical sieve This. Consultants have a habit of asking medical students what the causes of things are. My go-to move when that happens is to physically and mentally freeze up, look around me in a panic as if the …

Tips for the wards

Hi there, my name’s Jon and I’m a fourth-year medic doing Specials at Mansfield at the moment. Equipped with six months and two weeks worth of hindsight, I’m hoping to provide some honest and practical tips to help you make the most of your clinical placements / work experience attachments. Even if you aren’t starting …

What qualities make a good doctor?

This was a question I was asked during my med school interview at Nottingham. At the time, I reeled off the key qualities I felt were important, such as leadership, team working, communication and time-keeping skills as well as empathy. At the time though, I didn’t fully grasp how these qualities made a good doctor. …

Getting involved in volunteering

Hi everyone, Andrea again, hope you’re all having a lovely summer! In this week’s post, I am going to tell you about some of the volunteering societies run by medics at Nottingham, in particular Marrow! I am currently one of the co-presidents of Nottingham Marrow, we are the student branch of the Anthony Nolan charity …

Adventurous extracurriculars!

Hi I’m Alice and I’m just starting my fourth year. I’m going to be talking about the great range of sporting activities to get stuck into at university especially for someone who doesn’t have a particular interest in sport. As a medic, your day is always filled with lectures or time on the wards and …

Considerations when choosing a medical school

Hello, my name is Amandeep and I am a second year medical student. I’ve thoroughly enjoyed my first two years of living and studying in Nottingham and have three more to go! Hopefully I’m going to shed some light about medical schools so you feel confident about choosing the right medical school for you. Whichever medical …

Making the most of open days

Hi everyone, it’s Andrea back again, and now that I have finished my exams, I’m going to give you a quick guide to university open days. Narrowing down hundreds of universities to the five you’re allowed on your UCAS application can seem like a daunting task, but a day out to see one up close …

Research projects and the BMedSci

Hey, it’s Rob again. Now that exam period is starting to come to an end for most people I guess if you are thinking about medicine your mind has started to turn towards applications. One thing that I think people tend to overlook too much is where to apply. There are so many things to …

Pre-hospital emergency medicine

Hi, Hannah again! I’m now about to start my final year so have been looking back over my highlights of med school so far. For me, my Student Selected Module, or SSM, was the best part of clinical placement. In fourth year all students at Nottingham get the opportunity to try almost anything of their …

Peer support at medical school

Hi everyone, I hope you have enjoyed the blog so far! It’s Rob back again, and in my second blog I thought I’d touch upon peer support networks available at medical schools. As some of the blogs have already hinted at, medical school has its lows as well as its highs. But one thing medicine …