Hello from Australia!

Hello and welcome from sunny Australia! My name’s Josh and I’m a final-year student currently on my elective at the Royal Prince Alfred Hospital in Sydney. The Elective What exactly is an elective, I hear you ask? Well, after enduring the trials and stresses of final exams in February, the elective is our reward: a …

What happens after Medical School?

Hi everyone, it’s TJ again. I’ve just finished my final exams at medical school and am busy sorting out what I’ll be doing when I start work as a junior doctor in August. Here’s a quick overview of what happens after medical school: The current training pathway After studying for 4-6 years at medical school, …

The wait for university offers…

If you’re still waiting for university offers, have a re-read of Fern’s great advice on how to stay positive! My name is Fern Buller and, in some sort of miracle, I am now a second year medical student at Nottingham. This past year has been the most amazing experience; I have loved almost every moment …

Medical school admissions — Multi Mini Interviews (MMI)

Hayley again, with some advice on MMI! The University of Nottingham School of Medicine has recently moved from the traditional interview style to the multi mini interview (MMI) format which many universities seem to be doing nowadays. What is the MMI format like? From my own experience of the MMI format at Bristol University, the …

Life as a second year medical student

Hi there, my name’s Hayley and I’m a second year medical student at Nottingham. I remember coming back to med school thinking “first year is officially over, I’m a fifth way through the course-it’s all going so fast!” Accommodation Life as a second year is great so far, especially living in a nice house with …

Fresher Fails!

You’ve heard them before, but here’s a quick refresh of what to do and what not to do in your first year! 1. “I’ll leave all my revision notes till the end of term and do them all at once” Inevitably you will miss the odd lecture or you’ll sit through 4 hours of Behavioural …

Graduate Entry Medicine (Part 2)

Hello, and welcome back! I am sharing my top tips and considerations for applying to do Graduate Entry Medicine. If you missed last week’s post, find it here! If not then let’s dive in!! Finance If you are considering GEM I have one word for you: save. It is exhaustingly expensive being a student again especially …

Re-learning to revise (Part 1)

Revision is one of those mysterious concepts which is unique to every individual. There are those who need to go over everything multiple times before an exam to the point they can recite a textbook with their eyes closed; alternatively, you have the annoying but admirable students who learn as they go along and manage …

Some tips for the UKCAT

With the UKCAT coming up soon, we thought we’d repost a quick reminder of what to expect! Hi, it’s TJ again, and today I’m going to give some quick tips on yet another part of the admissions process: the UKCAT. Hopefully you’ve already found out if you need to take the UKCAT and booked yourself …

Summer school opportunities

Hello, I’m Ella and I am a third year medical student. Applying for medical school is notoriously competitive and involves being very proactive in your extra-curricular activities. During the summer before applying to university, like many other prospective applicants, I spent as much time as possible trying to gain work experience which I could include …