August 31, 2023, by School of Medicine

Eczema Care Online – one year on…

Eczema Care Online logo

It’s now been over a year since we first launched the Eczema Care Online website. We thought it was time we gave you an update on how things are going.

The Eczema Care Online website has been accessed by over 20,000 people from 157 countries around the world. This is an amazing achievement, but with millions of people living with eczema in the UK alone, there is clearly a long way to go.

Here are some of the things that people have been saying about Eczema Care Online:

“I thought I knew how to look after my child’s eczema, but I learned so many new things from ECO about how to keep eczema under control – things I would have never thought of!” 
Study participant, parent of a child with eczema

“It was one of the best websites I’ve ever used; it was really easy to use and provided the answers to your specific questions. I didn’t have to read through lots of stuff that wasn’t relevant to me.” 
Study participant, young person with eczema

“Very helpful resources indeed.  Since it has become available, I have tried to include it in every Advice & Guidance that I do!”
Paediatric Dermatologist, UK

“Looked brilliant because you can just send it away to [patients] and say look, this is what it’s all about”
General Practitioner, UK

“Our Family Workers regularly signpost families to ECO so hopefully there is a steady stream of families benefiting from the information.”
Eczema Outreach Support, UK

Our two randomised controlled trials showed that Eczema Care Online improved eczema symptoms. It also helped people to cope better with their eczema. You can read the full trial results in the British Medical Journal. Or you might prefer to watch our video.

Cartoon of a website showing videos for dealing with eczemaOur aim is to make sure that the website is available to everyone with eczema. Ideally, healthcare providers will signpost to the website whenever someone asks about eczema. We would love it if all primary care staff, including GPs, health visitors and pharmacists were aware of Eczema Care Online. We hope they will prescribe it alongside eczema treatments. We’ve made this easy by adding a link to Eczema Care Online within primary care electronic health systems (via the Ardens template for eczema).

We are also delighted that Eczema Care Online is mentioned in key national guidelines such as:

Key supporters include the British Association of Dermatologist, British Dermatology Nursing Group, Primary Care Dermatology Society, and of course the wonderful National Eczema Society and Eczema Outreach Support charities.

You can read an article about Eczema Care Online that was published in the National Eczema Society’s Exchange magazine

We need your help…..

Can you help us to spread the word about Eczema Care Online?

When it comes to sharing good news, there is nothing quite like word of mouth.  If you know someone with eczema, please do share.


You can read our paper in the British Medical Journal and watch our video

Posted in Medicine