50 at 50: Students for Global Health
January 28, 2022
Consider the following facts. Greta Thunberg and Malala Yousafzai are names that have become just as recognisable as Hugh Grant and Taylor Swift. All 10 of the Guardian’s most powerful images of 2021 depict the impacts of global health crises. More than half of young people across the UK report experiencing some degree of anxiety …
50 at 50: Modern medicine: Miraculous or monstrous?
January 21, 2022
I’d like to give a personal reflection on the impact of biomedical technologies, including those pioneered in Nottingham, and then raise with you questions surrounding emerging opportunities and challenges. This year, I turn 49 years of age, just shy of the half century of the Medical School. Based on averages, I’m classed as ‘middle aged’ …
50 at 50: Myth, Medicine and the Marginalised
January 14, 2022
‘Simpler history is constructed by the victors. Someone like me figured in their stories. Life can be otherwise.’ Abdulrazak Gurnah Nobel Prize for Literature 2021 A sunny morning in May 2001, I was having breakfast in a hotel in Atlanta, attending the Digestive Diseases Week, Annual meeting of American Gastroenterology Association. Leonard Seeff, distinguished Hepatologist …
50 at 50: As the School of Medicine reaches middle age, it’s time to think about ageing
January 6, 2022
As the School of Medicine passes its 50th birthday, it’s apposite that our minds should turn to ageing. In 1970, when the School first opened, the average life expectancy at birth in the UK was 72 years of age. By 2020 it had reached 81 years. The increase in life expectancy is in no small …