Author Post Archive

Posts by pmyjgs

A Short Interview With Emily Mitchell

Emily Mitchell is an applied statistician and research associate in Mathematical Sciences. We spoke to her back when she was a PhD student and asked her a few questions. Why did you choose to do a PhD? I did my integrated master’s in Mathematics with Statistics here at the University of Nottingham, where I continued …

Meet Jack Broad, MASS PGR

Jack Broad is a PhD student in Mathematical Sciences and is a part of the Modelling and Analytics for a Sustainable Society Leverhulme Doctoral Scholarship programme. We asked him some questions about his studies. Why did you choose to do a PhD? I was the first in my family to go to university so the …

A Conversation With Hayley Mills

Working as part of Mathematical Science’s Modelling and Analytics for a Sustainable Society (MASS) group, final year PhD Student Hayley Mills researches plant biology. We asked her a few questions about her time in mathematical sciences. What is your background and why did you choose to do a PhD? I did my undergraduate in maths …

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