Rain Rain Go Away!
June 20, 2019
One of the main topics of conversation over the last week or so has been the truly atrocious weather, and even as I type this the raindrops are pattering against the office windows. This is in stark contrast to last year’s heatwave, which officially began on the 22nd June and lasted until the 7th August …
Come Hail or High Water
December 19, 2016
Swimming, sunbathing or sweating through a heatwave, or sledging, skating or getting stuck in the snow – extremes of weather provide people with strong memories of past events. Now, our new exhibition at the Weston Gallery, Nottingham Lakeside Arts, will showcase three years of research into these reactions. Many of the historical records and original archival documents …
Rain, Records and Research
February 17, 2014
January has been declared the ‘wettest month since records began‘ in parts of Britain by the Met Office, with many towns in Wales, the South West and Home Counties flooded and facing yet more storms. Several thousand miles away, the USA shivered as the Polar Vortex brought temperatures as low as -26C, and at least nine states recorded …