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Woodcut phoenix in a headpiece in Posthumous Works of the Late Reverend Robert South, 1717, first unnumbered page (Loughborough Parish Library, BX5133.S57)

Woodcut phoenix in a headpiece in Posthumous Works of the Late Reverend Robert South, 1717, first unnumbered page (Loughborough Parish Library, BX5133.S57)

Woodcut phoenix in a headpiece in Posthumous Works of the Late Reverend Robert South, 1717, first unnumbered page (Loughborough Parish Library, BX5133.S57)

Engraved image of phoenixWoodcut of phoenix with sun overheadImage of phoenix spreading it's wings in the light of the sun.Image of phoenix surrounded by flowers, and with rays of light encircling its head.Woodcut of Phoenix spreading wings on a pedestal.Woodcut of phoenix with wings spread.