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Ne C 7326/5

Ne C 7326/5, Printed verse sent to Henry Pelham-Clinton, 4th Duke of Newcastle under Lyne; 1840

Text reading: The Right Hon[ourable] Lord Bishop of Bangor; The Rev[erend] W J Cotton, Dean of Bangor, £2; Richard Garner Esquire, £2; Ric[hard] Thomas Esquire, £2; Mrs Hunt Glamg[wnna?], £1; Men[a?] [F?]ion Anglesea, £1; Rowland Jones Esquire, Broom Hall, £1An extract from a letter addressed to the Duke of Newcastle from Catherine Williams, written in a spidery, uneven hand.An extract from a printed poem praising the paintings of Thomas Williams. The extract reads as follows: Then to admire, we stop our breath /His Lazarus, when quitting death; Intensely do the crowds amaze; As round th' incarnate life they gaze./ Whilst hundreds view his painted scenes/ There's no mistaking what he means,/ Unless some think he has by art/ Endow'd with life a counterpart./ The steps to eminence he treads/ He wings his flight above our heads;/ This bird of nature stands aloof,/ And proudly scales yon airy roof./ The regions Rubens ranged at will/ To imitate creative skill;/ Where Raphael dwelt with equal fame,/ There too we find our artist's name.