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Open Monographs – An interview with Dr Anna Willi

In our third International Open Access Week post we are talking to Dr Anna Willi about her experience of publishing an open access monograph. Dr Anna Willi is a Research Fellow in the Department of Classics and Archaeology at the University of Nottingham. Dr Willi’s current research with the ERC-project LatinNow (grant no. 715626) explores …

Open coding environments: student projects and beyond

In today’s International Open Access Week blog post we are talking to members of our research community about open coding environments and open notebooks in teaching and research practice. Dr James Sharp is an Associate Professor of Soft Condensed Matter Physics at the University of Nottingham. In this blog post, James shares the motivations for …

Open Software and Preprints – an interview with Professor Chris Denning

Welcome to International Open Access Week 2021! Join us on Library Matters throughout the week as we share daily insights into the wonderful world of open access. Our first blog is an interview with Professor Chris Denning. Chris Denning (ORCiD: 0000-0003-0802-8617) (orcid.org) is a Professor in Stem Cell Biology. He leads the University’s Research Priority Areas …

Discover our collections: Black History Month

October is Black History Month in the UK, an event that has been celebrated nationwide for more than 30 years. To borrow this year’s Black History Month theme, the Library is ‘proud to be’ working towards improving the diversity of our collections to support Equality, Diversity and Inclusion (EDI) for our academic community. This blog offers an introduction to just some of the related resources that …

Open Research – nearly 4 million downloads of UoN research outputs

Explore the principles and impact of Open Research with the latest blog from the Libraries Research Support team. Did you know there have been nearly 4 million downloads of University of Nottingham research outputs from Repository@Nottingham, Nottingham e-Theses and the Research Data Repository? This means that researchers and the general public have been able to access journal articles, …

What’s new in libraries?

Your guide to what to expect from University of Nottingham Libraries during the 2021/22 academic year, including details of some changes from last year. Here’s everything you need to know to get library ready this autumn term. Updated 11 October 2021 Visiting our libraries Whether you’re a new or returning student, our Library staff are …

Seven things you need to know about the new UKRI open access policy

As part of advancing culture change around publication, UK Research and Innovation (UKRI) has announced a new open access policy following consultation with various stakeholders, including research organisations, publishers, learned societies, librarians and individual researchers. Most publications that are required to acknowledge UKRI funding are in scope of the new policy. Tony Simmonds, Senior Research …

On trial: Church Missionary Society Periodicals and Archive

We are pleased to bring you trial access to Church Missionary Society Periodicals and Church Missionary Society Archive. Church Missionary Society (CMS) Periodicals covers items from 19th to 21st century from the CMS, Church of England Zenana Missionary Society, and the South American Missionary Society. CMS Archive is for use by scholars of missiology and global …

Discover our collections: Read all about it!

Did you know that there are more than 30 newspaper archives from around the world dating back to the 17th century amongst our collections? This blog post introduces you to some of the archives available while a complete list is available in NUsearch. Why would you use newspaper archives? Explore history through digitized primary sources …

NUsearch upgrade: improved navigation and saved search alerts

Find out about the new features in the latest upgrade to the university’s library discovery tool, NUsearch. The new features will be released on Monday 2 August. Improved display of results  You can now specify whether to display 10, 25, or 50 results per page.   There is the option to display the next/previous set of results by …