December 15, 2016, by Katherine Beers
Library Christmas Cheer with the #singinglibrarian
Back by popular demand, and in case you missed our Singing Librarian last year, here she is again. Happy Christmas one and all!
We have so many wonderful festive musical treats in our library collections at the Denis Arnold Music Library , ranging from the heavy duty vocal score Gloria in excelsis Deo (Cantata) for Soprano,Tenor-Solo and Choir by Bach to the more accessible Carols for choirs Fifty Christmas carols, edited and arranged by Reginald Jacques and David Willcocks.
Our very own University of Nottingham #singing librarian has recorded some festive snippets for your delectation:
- Once in Royal David’s City
- Away in a Manger
Merry Christmas from everyone at Library Matters and in your libraries!
Why are there no pictures of the Nottingham singing librarian. Was she shy?
Yes very! We prefer intrigue and mystery!
Hello again
When shall we hear more from the singing librarian?
If she’s on tour this year, do you have a list of performance venues?