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Copyright Tag CloudBritish Money - notes and coinsCopyright tag cloudFour students sitting in the library in front of booksBMJ Best PracticePicture of Dan Flatt with students in Greenfield Medical LibraryNUlook NUsearch home page and two female students studying a laptopPicture of shark with money in it's jawsStudent studying in the libraryOpen Access WeekRefine option on NUsearchSpringerNUsearch results list of articles cited by the article "High-order computational fluid dynamics tools for aircraft design"A search for economic pology has been narrowed down by selected the option to only show titles added in the last weekCartoon- style picture of a shark swimming around open access iconsNUsearch results list showing 3 versions of anarticle, each with a clickable Citations and Cited by icon on the far right of the screenStudent using a laptop in the LibraryGroup of students looking at computers in the George Green LibaryResults screen showing Expand My Result tick boxNew list of article results sorted by publication dateAM LogoA large 'B' as British Online Archives logoGirl reading book between book stacks in GGLspeech bubbleThe word learn has been typed into the search box, and NUsearch has started to suggest possible relevant search queries such as learning styles, learning to teach in higher education and othersStudent working at a computerOPen Access LogoInternational Women in Engineering Day 23 Jun 2017 logoCastle Corvey LibraryGeorge Green Library at nightMore than munitions book coverLibrary Survey 2016Crossing boundaries book coverClock image for 24/7 Library openingPicture of philanthropist Sir Harry Djanogly24/7 library opening times 2Caribbean HistorySage Research Methods24/7 library opening 2017-18Newspaper ArchiveNUsearch logo showing a finger clicking on a search buttonPhoto of the Djanogly Learning Resource Centre at nightMore than munitions coverLibrary Christmas opening timesCrossing boundaries coverOpen Access WeekEaster bunny and eggsUS Congressional serial setState Papers Online, 1509 -1714NUlook NUsearch, showing the NUsearch home page and two female students studying a laptopNo full text section of a record in NUsearch showing the link “Check for Open Access version”International women in engineering day imagePLA DailyEnvironment (Big)