August 1, 2022, by Sarah

On trial: Pravda Ukrainy Digital Archive and Ukrainian Publications (UDB-UKR)

We are pleased to bring you trial access to East View’s Pravda Ukrainy Digital Archive and Ukrainian Publications (UDB-UKR).

Pravda Ukrainy Digital Archive contains obtainable published issues of the newspaper from 1938 to 2014. It was the official daily newspaper of the Communist Party of Ukraine, and in the early 1990s changed to embrace democratic principles and independent journalism.

The Ukrainian Publications (UDB-UKR) is a collection of newspapers and journals published in Ukraine. The collection covers Ukraine’s progress along the reform path, the view and positions of various political forces, and changes in legislation.

Titles include:

  • Holos Ukrainy
  • Khreshchatyk Kyiv
  • Literaturna Ukraina
  • Rabochaia gazeta
  • Slava Sevastopolia
  • Ukrains’kyi istorychnyi zhurnal
  • Vidomosti Verkhovnoi Rady Ukrainy

The trial runs until 21 August 2022.

Do let us know what you think. Please send your feedback to the Libraries Collections team:

Posted in CollectionsOnline resourcesTrials