December 13, 2016, by Kate Snaith
NOOC winter study stress!
It’s that time of year again, with deadlines and exams looming, so now is a good time to remind everyone about our Nottingham Open Online Courses (NOOCs), which you can access and sign up for through Moodle.
Our NOOCs are comprised of different activities and materials which explore library and study skills to support your studies. Because NOOCs are online they can be accessed anywhere at any time. Joining a NOOC also gives you the opportunity to interact with students on other campuses and courses, as well as distance learners the world over.
We run 2 different NOOCs aimed at to help at different points of your degrees, and which you can join at any point in the academic year:
- First year undergraduates can join “Your University Journey Year 1” to get an insight into the research that goes on at the University of Nottingham and get guidance on using library resources and reading lists. The course is made up of short units, each requiring just four hours of independent study.
- Second year undergraduates can get involved with “Your University Journey Year 2” supports the transition into second year the expectations around that, giving you the chance to build on the work of year 1.
On Course for your Masters is designed especially for for taught-course postgraduate students and has a veritable smorgasbord of activities to support the transition to studying for a Masters degree, including instructional videos, support in constructing search strategies and student discussion forums.
You can self-enrol for any of these courses at any time this course via Moodle.
Thank you and good luck!