March 27, 2019, by International students
International Student Ambassadors: Ritika from India
Seven things to do when you’re a student at the University of Nottingham.
The University of Nottingham is one of the most beautiful universities in the UK and is the perfect destination to cherish the experience of international education. I still remember when I first entered the University Park campus I was thrilled by its size and wondered how many things I have to explore in the University itself. University offers you a whole new bunch of memories which you can treasure for the rest of your life. While there are several things to do in Nottingham and there will always be something that will entice you, here’s a list of my top activities which I feel no student should miss out on. After all, this city is a subtle synonym to “Never say Never” attitude.
It’s always about a good picture!
Get yourself pictured around the most beautiful locations in the campus. There’s the most stunning Trent building which can be your backdrop for an amazing portrait. University is a home to the most beautiful lakes where you can take your evening stroll and get some candid pictures taken. And sometimes you could be blessed by a rainbow or the beasts of Nottingham finding their way. Studying at Nottingham is a treat to your Instagram feed after all.
Participate, learn and grow.
When in Nottingham you’ll always find that one activity you wanted to do all your life but couldn’t. The University has more than hundred societies which you can be a part of. Attend the welcome fair and learn about different things you can do being a student here. There is always something happening around the block, events that connect you to the recruiters are the most helpful. Name it and you’ll find. Also, Potterheads are in for a treat as the University also has a Quidditch society. Exciting, right?
Fulfil your passion for sports.
University of Notthingham is consistently one of the top-ranked UK universities when it comes to sports. Always wanted to be that high school sport star? You are in the right place! Right from squash to cricket, football and even kayaking, sky diving and surfing, university has every sport to offer. You can be a part of any sport society of your choice and can even get a chance to play for the university. The ultimate David Ross Sports Centre is a heaven for every fitness crazy person, sometimes a perfect spot to take some amazing gym selfies!
Batman’s crib is right there.
If you’re a batman fanatic or simply a lover of ancient history and monuments, Wollaton Hall is where you should be. One of the chief attractions in Nottingham, its beauty is unparalleled. Home to hundreds of deer, Wollaton is the perfect spot to spend a quite weekend with friends. If Wayne Manor is right here, then where else would be but in Gotham?
Goose Fair will always give you Goosebumps!
When in Nottingham you’ll encounter the beautiful creatures, Geese, always. This city is a home to these beasts and I wonder how they don’t have their own passports yet! Goose Fair is a traditional fair arranged every year with thrilling rides and mouth-watering delicacies. It’s that one thing which makes you realise that the city is truly a home to cheer, fun and frolic. Being a student here, this is one major attraction you cannot miss on.
Old Market Square.
Old Market Square has the most amazing architecture and brings the spirit of this city to life. Your time in Nottingham is never complete without frequent trips to Old Market Square. It is the perfect destination for shopping, eating and having a good time. Don’t be surprised if you hear some amazing music for there is always some interesting event happening out there!
Summers at Highfields Park.
Finally, you can always enjoy the end of your academic year at the Highfields Park. Take a stroll around the lake and witness its stunning beauty with the backdrop of Trent building. Before leaving for the summer vacation plan a weekend with friends and spend your time boating and clicking stunning pictures. And the most amazing part is that there is always an ice cream van waiting for you, just to make it the perfect end to the academic year and a cool start to the summer.
Nottingham has a charm which will encapsulate your hearts and shall always be your favourite story to narrate. The city of Robin Hood has so much to offer that your time here as a student will be the best days of your life. University is a place where you make friends for life and memories to carry along, and when you are a student at Nottingham you should make the most of it.
If you have any questions about studying at the University of Nottingham as an international student, you can get in touch with our International Ambassadors via email.
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