May 21, 2024, by aezdb

My Journey as an Intern with YES: Bridging Science and Entrepreneurship 

By Alexia Jeayes, YES Marketing Intern and Psychology MSci student


Greetings fellow scholars and aspiring entrepreneurs! I’m Alexia Jeayes, a passionate psychology master’s student at the University of Nottingham.  

My journey into the realm of business and entrepreneurship began with my enrolment in the Witty Entrepreneurship Scholarship program. This program is an avenue for students like me who are inspired to be innovative and creative. This scholarship helps students gain experience and support to achieve their career goals and set up businesses of their own. Today, I’m thrilled to share my enriching experience as an intern with YES – Your Entrepreneurs Scheme, a ground-breaking global competition aimed at fostering commercialization awareness among the academic community.

Photo by Luke Southern on Unsplash

How it all began: 

As a psychology student I have always been fascinated by how the mind works and how businesses can leverage psychological knowledge to create engaging content and ideas. This led me to seek opportunities beyond the confines of traditional academia. Eager to delve deeper into the world of marketing and entrepreneurship, I reached out to Janet Wallace, the Witty Entrepreneurial Scholarships Manager. With her guidance and support, she connected me with Tracey Hassall-Jones who organises YES. I embarked on an internship journey with YES, stepping into the dynamic realm of marketing and business development. I began working with Mahima Udani, the marketing assistant for YES at the time. My initial encounters with Mahima laid the foundation for my foray into the intricacies of YES and the nuances of marketing strategy. We collaborated on a diverse set of projects for YES: from conducting interviews with participants to crafting compelling social media content. Mahima’s mentorship was both enlightening and empowering. I then began working alongside Helen Trout, a Senior Communications Officer for Nottingham University Business School. I was awe-inspired by her organizational prowess as we meticulously planned the grand finale – the January Showcase. 

Setting up the YES Showcase event

The January Showcase: 

The January Showcase was the final event for the finalist participants of YES23. This was their time to shine and showcase their unique business ideas! Behind the scenes, we planned and prepared for the showcase which stood as a testament of the collective dedication of the YES team. From sourcing event essentials to developing social media campaigns to create excitement leading up to the event, I embraced every opportunity to contribute to its success.  

Networking at the YES23 Showcase event

I was also captivated by the innovative ideas and inspiring presentations of the YES23 finalists, and I am grateful that I was able to witness the transformative power of entrepreneurship first-hand. Despite the initial nerves, the showcase unfolded seamlessly and was a huge success. It was a celebration of creativity, resilience and the boundless potential of entrepreneurial pursuits. 

What I learned: 

My journey with YES was a masterclass in marketing, entrepreneurship, and the art of collaboration. From honing interview techniques to crafting engaging social media narratives, each interaction enriched my understanding of effective communication and stakeholder engagement.  

Yet, beyond the realm of marketing strategies, it was the visionary spirit of the participants that left the most profound impact. Their commitment to ethical, sustainable and meaningful business ideas served as a beacon of inspiration, igniting a newfound passion within me.  


As I reflect on my internship with YES, I am filled with gratitude for the invaluable lessons learned and the connections forged. It was not merely a journey of professional growth but a transformative experience of the vast potential of scientific innovation.  

To my fellow scholars and aspiring entrepreneurs, I implore you to embrace every opportunity to explore, learn, and innovate! For in the convergence of science and entrepreneurship lies the potential to create meaningful change for a better future. 

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