March 11, 2016, by The Ingenuity Lab

Introducing the app for Alzheimers…

In the Ingenuity Lab, no day is the same and every member has a different story and requirements.  As a group, we support each other, collaborate and ensure we have as much fun along the day; creating a melting pot of ideas!  Each week, we will introduce one of our exemplary members and their business to you!

This week we caught up with Scott Rosenberg to find out a bit more about the journey he’s on with his business and what makes him tick.

Age: 23

Nationality: English

Company name: Javoo 

What did you study at the University of Nottingham? 

Management Studies as an undergraduate, and then received a Distinction in Entrepreneurship, Innovation and Management as a postgraduate here.

What made you want to be anScott-Rosenberg entrepreneur?
Dreams, creativity, passion, risk, excitement. The thought of looking for a job has never really entered my mind, as I’ve wanted to be an entrepreneur since I can remember! I have always been creative and full of ideas I believe the world should have. Being able to see these ideas become reality is one of the most satisfying experiences one can have. Being an entrepreneur isn’t something that happens on weekdays 9-5, it defines who you are, and I loved the idea of being able to create a whole lifestyle around my passions and work.

What is your business concept?

Javoo was born with the principle mission of innovating and advancing Alzheimer’s care. Our app focuses on helping anyone affected by Alzheimer’s. One user recently called it their ‘private Facebook’. You can create a timeline to share between a network of family and friends, keep your network in the loop with everything that is happening, and chat with dedicated Alzheimer advisors when they wish. One of the most special aspects of the app is that you can share photos, which have the potential to trigger memories.

What stage are you currently at in setting up your company/business?

We launched on March 7th, and have had a fantastic response so far! We have already seen thousands of precious memories uploaded onto people’s networks. Launching was a big milestone for us and we are now looking for the app to become a part of people’s daily lives and establish ourselves as the number one platform for helping people affected by Alzheimer’s Disease. Over time, we want to expand globally and create a passionate team to help us reach our goals.


What challenges have you faced during the process?

Simply understanding product development and creating a product people wanted was a difficult one. Different users will interact differently with the app and we wanted to be able to provide a nice user experience for everyone interested. Also, the learning spectrum is so huge at the start, and not having the money to hire experts for every aspect of the business means you have to go through a lot of trial and error. My advice to others would be to make lots of mistakes early on and cheaply, so you can learn from them in the future!

How has being Ingenuity Lab member helped you?

The lab has been great. They haven’t held my hand during the process, but have given me the confidence to pursue my vision and provided me with the resources were there for me when I needed them.

What are your goals for this year? 

We plan to spend the rest of 2016 getting the product right so we can market it to a much larger audience. To do this, we need to regularly speak to customers and really understand what it is that they want/ don’t want. We’re also using analytics to track how the app is being used to inform our decisions on how we improve the app for users.

Thank you, Scott. If you are interested in downloading the Javoo app, please download from the App Store.

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Posted in MembersNew BusinessPromotionShowcaseThe Ingenuity Lab