September 15, 2017, by The Ingenuity Lab
Keera Studios: Radical Innovation in Programming
”Entrepreneurship is like a computer game in which you have to master every level before achieving success. Startups repeatedly stumble and have to go back to the drawing board. The best way to skip some levels and to increase the odds of survival is to learn from others who have already played the game.” – Vivek Wadhwa
Today we’ll be sharing with you the story of Keera Studios. Let’s get started …
Keera Studios is a Haskell Game and Mobile App company. It creates applications that combine robust technology with multimedia to engage users in a unique way. Recently, they have created and released a new game – Magic Cookies – using an innovative technology developed from decades of research. Within the first two weeks, Magic Cookies game has reached top 10 in Family games for Android in France, top 20 in three countries, and top 50 in 110 countries, and is now heading for the Number 1 spot. Here are some of the user reviews on Magic Cookies:
So, what is unique about Keera Studios?
Most programming systems only work for specific platforms (e.g. either for iOS or Android) and require expensive adaptations to work everywhere else. These systems also make it really hard to identify and reproduce bugs (i.e. computer errors). In order to solve these problems, Keera Studios uses an innovative technology called Haskell enabling people to develop mobile applications with an advanced programming language. Their infrastructure can run anywhere, detect and fix potential bugs quickly, and allows developers to write code that works for all kinds of platforms. Compared to other systems, the infrastructure Keera Studios built is much cheaper. The creators have been contacted by companies in USA, UK, Europe, and Japan as well as by governments and developers from all around the world who are keen to be the first ones to try these solutions and gain a competitive advantage in their markets.
“We have games and apps that work on mobile, desktop and web, with minimal adaptations. They don’t require extra steps for customers; they just work out of the box. We are looking at more robust apps, a very quick time to market, and a fraction of the cost. So far this has been restricted to governments and large organisations and applied mostly to critical systems and finance. For the first time, we are now reaching the everyday consumer, targeting all platforms at once.” – Ivan Perez (Founder, Keera Studios)
Their first game can be downloaded from iTunes and Android here. They are now working on three other projects: a fun game for families, a novel mobile presentation app, and ‘Invisible’ – an interactive visual novel for social change that raises awareness of victims in the Ukraine war. Their latest proposal has been accepted by Facebook into FbStart, a program designed to help early stage mobile startups build and grow their apps, and granted benefits for a value of over USD5500. Ivan recently presented their work at an International Conference in Oxford, which was very well received by companies and researchers.
Keera Studios is now working on developing another game and building a novel mobile app. Follow their progress on their website, Facebook, and Twitter.
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