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Using apps to help manage your tinnitus

It is #TinnitusWeek this week. We are continuing with our tinnitus research and you can read more about what we are doing at: https://nottinghambrc.nihr.ac.uk/about-nottingham-brc/news/3777-hearing-theme-raising-awareness-of-tinnitus-as-numbers-of-patients-predicted-to-rise. We thought we would take this opportunity to highlight one way that people might find helpful for managing their tinnitus. Do you have a smartphone or tablet? Do you know that …

Taking steps forward in discovering drugs to treat tinnitus

We know that various treatments can help people manage their tinnitus but everyone would like there to be a cure for tinnitus. We are not there yet, but work is being done to find one. For Tinnitus Week, we would like to revisit the work we did to test a new drug. Back in 2014/15, …