March 3, 2022, by Adele Horobin

Use hearing aids but struggle to hear well enough? Take part in the COACH trial.

Graphic image detailing the COACH trial, which is also covered in the main text.Take part in research comparing hearing aids to a cochlear implant in adults with severe to profound deafness.

NICE (National Institute for Health and Care Excellence) examines all the evidence to decide guidelines for clinical treatment. Based on the current evidence, adults may be offered a cochlear implant on the NHS when they have at or more than 80 dB hearing loss. But what about adults who just miss out on this cut-off point? Well, the evidence isn’t clear – there exists a ‘grey area’ where we are not sure if hearing aids or a cochlear implant is the better choice, or are no different.

Diagram showing the grey area, where people with severe hearing loss greater than 70decibels may possibly benefit from a cochlear implant but are not offered one as the evidence isn't clear about the benefits. Here in Nottingham, we want to find out which is better. Researchers from the NIHR Nottingham Biomedical Research Centre and the University of Nottingham Clinical Trials Unit are working with audiologists, surgeons and members of the public with severe hearing loss to deliver the national COACH trial – a randomised controlled trial comparing hearing aids to a cochlear implant 

We need your help! 

A number of sites across England have now opened for recruiting to this trial. If you wear hearing aids but don’t hear as well as you would like, please visit the COACH study website to find out more. You can also complete a short online form on the site to express your interest in taking part.

Alternatively, please email Thank you.

Follow the COACH trial on Twitter

COACH logo showing the letters COACH and a sprial swirl of green and purple


Posted in Cochlear implantsHearing aidsHearing lossProfound hearing loss/deafnessWorld Hearing Day