Author Post Archive

Posts by Matt

A day in the life of a Geographer … Suzanne McGowan

This time of year is a transition for academic staff, where we wrap up the final parts of the teaching year and can start to think about research.  So, the main tasks that I had this week were marking exams and coursework and completing some research contracts in the lab that had stared to pile …

A Day in the life of a Geographer … Francesca Marriott

Wow. That’s gone quick. I know last time I was going on about how quickly first year was going and now all of a sudden it’s virtually gone. Soon I shall be losing my title of being a ‘fresher’ and become a fully fledged second year geographer. Since my last post, I have attended the 1st year …

Geog On… The Occupy Movement

After a slightly prolonged Easter break Geog On… is back. Ahead of Mayfest this Saturday, I’ve talked to Alex Vasudevan about one of the current “Big Questions” Geography is helping to understand. On the Occupy Movement Good to be back…

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A Day in the Life of Geographer … Matt Jones

Apologies for my tardy post … looks like the bank holiday weekend turned up just in time after a pretty hectic first week of term. Last week was spent tidying up the last of the dissertation marking, and meeting all the 2nd year students who are just about to embark on that particular journey, as …

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A Day in the Life of a Geographer … Andy Cook

It is interesting to note how quickly nine weeks have passed since my last contribution to the Geog Blog, possibly due to the fact that it has been an extremely busy term teaching wise. This week I will be offering some thoughts on the often hidden practices in which academics are involved in over the …

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A Day in the Life of a Geographer … Andrew Leyshon

Friday 30th March As Head of School one of the things that I do much more of than ever before is spend time in meetings.  These can be of many kinds, from occasional large University-wide gatherings of senior management which include the Vice Chancellor, Pro-Vice Chancellors, Deans and the like, through monthly School Management Committees …

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Geog On… takes an Easter break too

Because my colleagues are occupied carrying out research they’re too busy to talk to me over the holidays so Geog On… will return in May, featuring discussions on the Occupy movement and how we visualise the landscape, amongst other things. Have a great holiday.

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Contested Environments: a postgraduate workshop

On  Thursday 7th June 2012 the School will host the  sixth annual postgraduate workshop to be run by the Landscape, Space, Place Research Group. Jennifer Rich outlines the meeting below: An environment is a complex site of meaning in which a range of tensions, relations and contestations are sustained, played out, fought, won and lost.  Environments are …

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Geog On … the Educational Service Industry

Sarah Hall talks to Matt Jones about her work on the Education Industry either side of the Atlantic and some of the implications for  Higher Education in a new funding landscape.   On the Educational Service Industry

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Geog on … Landscape and Environment

Steve Daniels and Lucy Veale talk about the AHRC Landscape and Environment Programme; the projects it funds, film making and it’s place in Geography. On Landscape and Environment

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