October 24, 2014, by Simon Gosling
The 2014 Annual School of Geography Careers Networking Event
Simon Gosling, Associate Professor in Climate Risk and the School of Geography Careers Officer, talks about yesterday’s annual careers networking event.
The School of Geography’s third annual careers networking event was held at the Ropewalk yesterday evening (23rd October 2014).
Geography students from all three undergraduate years came to chat with eight alumni guests who are now employed in a variety of sectors. The evening kicked-off with each guest in turn spending a few minutes describing what a typical day at work in their sector involves. The remainder of the evening was then organised in a “speed-dating” style, so that groups of around 12 students spent about 10 minutes talking with each guest around a table. When the 10 minutes were up, they circulated round to the next table to chat with another guest.
As with previous events, the informal atmosphere and small student groups, coupled with the opportunity to speak with several alumni working in different sectors facilitated in-depth, meaningful and helpful discussions between Geography students and alumni.
“I found the experience both interesting and very valuable in terms of future decisions regarding careers choices. I’m grateful for the diversity of alumni there was to speak to and I think the informality of the event contributed significantly towards its success!” (Student attendee)
“Being in small groups and able to interact informally with alumni was a highlight of the evening.” (Student attendee)
“The best aspect of the event was how friendly the speakers were and how warm the atmosphere was.” (Student attendee)
All of the guests were School of Geography alumni, which meant that the guests were in an excellent position to provide friendly advice about career options, employability and applying for jobs after graduation.
The invited guests were from a diverse range of sectors and organisations:
- John Pearson, Foreign and Commonwealth Office (Government / Foreign Affairs)
- Adrian D’Enrico, AXA Real Estate (Fund Management)
- Josh Townsend, BP (Oil and Gas)
- Lydia Bell, Cornell Partnership (Executive Search)
- Alexandra Finlayson, King & Wood Mallesons (Legal)
- Chris Willans, Golder Associates (Environmental Consultancy)
- Joe Allen, WHP Wilkinson Helsby (Surveying)
- Sarah Starkey, Tesco (Real Estate / Investment Management)
“A strength of the evening was seeing the wide range of careers geography students could possibly go into” (Student attendee)
“The opportunity to speak informally with employers about general aspects of a graduate career was the best element of the event.” (Student attendee)
“I found the evening very insightful and it has sparked much thought for me regarding future prospects.” (Student attendee)
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