October 20, 2012, by Matt
A day in the life of a Geographer … Matt Jones
The beginning of a new academic year is always a busy time, compounded by students and staff in the School of Geography (re)finding their structured academic feet again after summers away recovering from A-Levels, travelling the world seeing “Geography”, or should that be ‘Geographies’ (see below), or working on research projects for dissertations or the latest Nature paper (we can dream can’t we?). It also means our “Day in the Life… “ series has taken a small break – but fear not, for we is back!
My week has been varied, from fieldwork last Saturday for a fantastic community archaeology project in Dewsbury (www.rectory-park.co.uk) to more exam meetings (see a previous post), with a trip down to London for a British Society for Geomorphology committee meeting and some lectures in between, never mind trying to put together a grant application for the AHRC.

It was difficult coring through the collapsed Elizabethan bridge… but looking seriously at the corer didn’t help much…
I’m not sure if it’s the best idea of the research councils to put their deadlines in Autumn when we’re all snowed under with the beginning of term, maybe an early September deadline would be better (who needs a summer holiday anyway!)? Although yes I could have been more organized….
I’ll leave you with some thoughts on Geography, seems appropriate (see Blog title)…
On Monday my colleague Prof. Melanie Leng asked me to tweet my research in one tweet, which got me thinking if we could condense Geography to 140 characters? Some of the responses are below – try it yourself and let us know @UoNGeography.
There are more ideas about what Geography is (Geographies are?) in our Geog On… podcast series, which you can find at https://itunes.apple.com/itunes-u/geog-on/id420901650
Take care,
@acalgar G E O G R A P H Y: 9 letters of awesome.
@louisecrewe writing the world
@GeographyBites The study of the Earth and its inhabitants
@jeckythump Geography is everything, and everything is geography.
Ian Fairchild, head of school @unibham courtesy of @DinosaurusGrace “We tell the world how it is, was, and could be”
@g_wyeth the all-encompassing science of the Earth and the life that lives on it.
@MelJLeng Geog is the science that studies the lands, the features, the inhabitants, and the phenomena of Earth
@GeographyBites …could extend to other planets..? Geographies of Mars?
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