Author Post Archive

Posts by Lexi Earl

Underutilized crops and their future potentials

The importance of crop diversification, for biodiversity and to cope with extreme weathers brought on by climate change, has never been more important. At the University of Nottingham, we have set up a Crop Diversification Unit, led by Dr Sean Mayes, to examine traditionally underutilized crops and their potentials as alternative sources of food for …

Our technology platforms: Molecular Phenomics

The Molecular Phenomics Platform (MPP) was successfully commissioned in autumn 2020, and now resides within the analytical suite of the newly refurbished North Lab at Sutton Bonington. The LCMS system, consisting of a UHPLC front end and high-resolution Quadrupole-Time of Flight tandem mass spectrometer, can resolve thousands of chemical compounds in a single analytical run, across a …

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Our Future Food Director’s first thoughts

This post is written by Andrew Salter. It has been a very strange start to the autumn term for me.  For over 30 years, this time of year has been associated with preparing for teaching in the forthcoming semester.  Instead, while I watch my colleagues going through this process, I am trying to get to …

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Food Systems in Small Islands and Developing States conference

This post is written by Dr Chin Chiew Foan, Associate Professor in Plant Biology, based at the University of Nottingham Malaysia.  The Food Systems in Small Islands and Developing States conference 2022 (FSSIDS 2022) was held at The Everly Putrajaya Hotel, Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia from 7-9 September 2022. There were more than 50 participants from 10 countries …

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Crack(er)ed it! Food Science students win Ecotrophelia UK finals

Megan Holden, Katy Tolson, Laura Hill and Kieran Spouge were the winning team from UoN at the UK Ecotrephelia competition finals. Ecotrephelia is a competition for the creation of eco-innovative food products. The team are final year Food Science & Nutrition (Megan, Katy and Laura) and Food Science (Kieran) students. We spoke to them about the competition, …

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Antibiotic resistance and AI: New role for Dr Tania Dottorini

Dr Tania Dottorini, Associate Professor in Bioinformatics and a member of the Future Food Beacon, is taking up a new position (alongside her day job) as the Director for the Centre of Smart Food for Health (CSFH), at the University of Nottingham Ningbo Campus. Dr Dottorini, based in the School of Veterinary Medicine and Science, …

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Next Generation X-ray Computed Tomography system awarded to UoN Hounsfield Facility, boosting soil research capacity

Soils represent a major store of global carbon, much more so than that held in vegetation or the atmosphere. However, this reservoir of soil organic carbon (SOC) is highly susceptible to destabilisation and loss, leading to declines in soil health, loss of biodiversity, and nutrient capital, and the release of harmful greenhouse gases (GHGs). We …

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Future Food PhD wins prestigious Carlos Fuentes award

Karla G. Hernandez-Aguilar, a PhD candidate with the Palaeobenchmarking Resistant Agricultural Systems project, has been awarded a Carlos Fuentes award by the Mexican Society of the UK for her PhD research. Karla’s PhD project is titled: Understanding microenvironments and the potential of traditional agricultural systems in a changing climate in Mexico and Belize. Her interdisciplinary …

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Our technology platforms: Ionomics facility

Over the next few weeks we will be featuring stories about our different technology platforms, their work and research, and the facilities available to researchers. These are also featured in our 2021 Annual Report. Today, we turn our attention to the Ionomics Facility. Based in the Gateway building on our Sutton Bonington campus, the Ionomics …

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