Author Post Archive

Posts by Lexi Earl

Using eating together to think: reflections on doing research at public mealtimes

This post is written by Marsha Smith. Is there something special that happens when we eat together in groups? This post looks at an emergent form of group eating initiatives and explores some ways of doing research with, and about, the customers and producers of these eating events. Community-based forms of group eating practices are …

A Creative Approach to Engaging with Male Eating Disorders: Animating the Patient-Doctor Encounter in Clinical Settings

This post is written by Dr Richard Vytniorgu, Impact Research Fellow, School of Cultures, Languages, and Area Studies. To animate something means to give shape to that which is hidden, inert, silenced. To be animated is to demonstrate movement rather than rigidity, a liveliness in place of absence. Together with the animation studio Woven Ink, …

Doing science in the field: stories from our Colombian cocoa project

Dr Christopher Moore and Dr David Gopaulchan travelled to Colombia together in May 2019 to carry out scientific sampling of the cocoa fermentation process on different farms. David recently travelled back to Colombia for the second harvest, to conduct further sampling, in November and December 2019. We spoke to David and Chris about the experiences, …

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Genomic characterisation of the University of Nottingham dairy herd

This post is written by Dr Sarah Blott, Associate Professor in Animal Breeding and Genetics, in the School of  Veterinary Medicine and Science.  Milk and dairy products are a significant source of nutrition in the human diet; the first evidence of dairy consumption dates back over 6,000 years, and today dairy farming is a global …

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Understanding more about oil palm farmed by smallholders

This post is written by Dr Thomas D Alcock and Dr Christina Vimala Supramaniam During a recent trip to Malaysia, including visits to the University of Nottingham Malaysia campus, Dr Thomas D Alcock and Dr Lexi Earl stopped by some smallholder oil palm plantations to get a feel for production practices. This is what they …

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Nottingham Good Food Partnership: making food accessible to all in Nottingham

Nottingham Good Food Partnership is a not for profit organisation committed to transforming our local food system, to make it fit for purpose for the next generation. NGFP is a member of the international network of Sustainable Food Cities and represents over 60 organisations, all committed to realising a sustainable food future. It is the lead …

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Researching the future of wheat: An interview with Manpartik Gill

Manpartik Gill is the recipient of a UoN-RRes PhD studentship. Their project is titled: Novel brassinosteriod dwarfing genes as alternatives for improved wheat grain yields. Their supervisors are Dr Stephen Thomas (RRes), Assoc Prof John Foulkes (UoN), and Emeritus Prof Peter Hedden (RRes). Why did you decide to do a PhD? What were you doing …

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Solving micronutrient deficiencies in staple crops: an interview with Mesfin Kebebe

Mesfin Kebebe is a UoN-RRes PhD studentship recipient. Their project is titled: Optimization and efficiency of soil geochemistry at national scale for improved human nutrition. Their supervisors are Dr Stephan Haefele (RRes), Prof. Martin Broadley (UoN), Dr Kirsty Hassall (RRes), Dr Samel Gameda (CIMMYT-Ethiopia) and Dr Tilahun Amede (ICRISAT-Ethiopia). Tell us about how you came …

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Predicting micronutrients in the soil: an interview with Christopher Chagumaira

Christopher Chagumaira is a UoN-RRes PhD studentship recipient. His project is titled: Geospatial modelling of soil geochemistry at national scale for improved human nutrition and he is supervised by Prof Murray Lark (UoN), Prof Martin Broadley (UoN), Dr Alice Milne (RRes), Prof Patson Nalivata (LUANAR)and Dr Joseph Chimungu (LUANAR). Why did you decide to do …

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