March 26, 2020, by Lexi Earl
Coronavirus and the food system: a reading list
Gardening and growing
Growing and gardening while in isolation, by Mark Diacono (Facebook/Telegraph)
Land available for allotment use has declined 65% since the 1960s (Institute for Sustainable Food, Sheffield)
Food supply chains
The UK’s food supply and a call for rational rationing, by Prof Tim Lang (The Conversation)
Interview with Tim Lang, by Jay Rayner (The Observer)
Stocking up and the supply chain, by Judith Evans and Jonathan Eley (FT)
New legislation to support food supply chains, by Katy Askew (FoodNavigator.com)
Countries hoarding food supplies (Bloomberg)
Worried about gaps in supermarket shelves? You needn’t be, by Manoj Dora (The Conversation)
Shopping trends during March (Agriculture and Horticulture Development Board)
Local supply chains in Scotland, by Pete Ritchie (Nourish Scotland)
How the coronavirus disrupts food chains, by Marcelo Duhalde (South China Morning Post)
Changing business models
Suppliers of London restaurants having to approach their business differently by James Hansen (Eater)
Farming and agriculture
The need for additional labour on farms in the upcoming months, by Fiona Harvey (The Guardian) and Farmers fear they won’t find enough workers to pick produce, by Steven Morris and Lisa O’Carroll (The Guardian)
DEFRA responds to calls for food rationing (Defra Press Office)
What you can do to support the fishing industry in the next few months (SustainWeb)
Ethics, food aid and food access
Ethics in the food response to COVID-19 (Food Ethics Council)
Food access and the wider food system, by Lawrence Haddad, Jess Fanzo, Steve Godfrey, Corinna Hawkes, Saul Morris and Lynnette Neufeld (GAIN – Global Alliance for Improved Nutrition)
Millions will need food aid soon, by Felicity Lawrence (The Guardian)
Chef Jose Andres and his World Central Kitchen respond to the pandemic (TIME)
Who gets to have a voice within the restaurant industry? by Eric Rivera (Eater)
Food system concerns
Consequences of Covid-19 on the food system, using Mexico as a focus (FoodTank)
FAO policy briefs on Covid-19 (FAO)
Covid-19 impacts on food security, by Suchith Anand (Open Access Gov)
How is Covid-19 changing how we feed ourselves? (Food Foundation)
Creating a fairer food system, by Sandra Laville (The Guardian)
Practical information
A guide to storing leftovers by The Food Standards Agency
How to clean your groceries, by Sarah Young (Independent)
Food expiry dates, by J. Kenji Lopez-Alt (NYT)
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