April 24, 2014, by educationguestblog

‘Teaching the teachers of tomorrow in Kuala Lumpur’- Induction Day1

Blog written by Dr Len Newton, Director of UG Programmes, PGCEI Tutor, School of Education.

Monday 21st April

An early breakfast then off to the teaching venue for Induction Day 1.  Registration went well and all 33 of the students we had expected have arrived! We have a roomful of interesting people to get to know over the next few days.

Induction Day 1

Induction Day 1

By the end of the day we have done a lot to get to know the group and to raise some issues about learning and teaching that the course materials address in much more detail.  As usual, our student group has so much experience to bring to the discussion table. Agendas are set for the next few days and colleagues have explained some of the intricacies of working with the university systems (it’s easy when you know how and use them!)



Everyone is ready for a break and a chance to relax together at the first evening social event. But I missed out as I had another meeting to attend. But I managed to catch up with colleagues over a Sushi supper and everyone is feeling like we have had a good first day and we are looking forward to the next few days together.


Posted in PGCEi