ISYP Digitisation project news.
March 3, 2017
The digitisation of work produced by students of the Classics department’s Independent Second Year Projects module (ISYP) has moved into a new phase with this year’s volunteer team. Whilst the photographing and scanning of project work continues, Jack Strawbridge and Jamie Shakespeare have continued previous DHC volunteer Rhiannon Compton’s project to set up a searchable …
An interview with DHC Research Associate Paul Grossman
January 20, 2017
Our interview today is with Paul Grossman. He is the recipient of the DHC Studentship Award and is currently working in the DHC as the Research Associate. Would you like to introduce yourself? Hi I’m Paul, I’m a post-graduate student studying History MA. My specialisms at the moment are 18th Century British Empire looking at …
From Digital Humanities volunteer to Digital Curator: how volunteering helped me to discover my true vocation by DHC volunteer alumna Emma Hardiman.
September 27, 2016
History of Art graduate Emma Hardiman volunteered in DHC 2011-2013, she is currently digital curator at Athena. It would be very easy to tell you that I always wanted to be a curator and that I knew exactly how to get there, but that simply would not be true. All I knew as a fresher …
Five years of DHC Student Volunteers.
July 13, 2016
This week DHC says goodbye to the 2015-16 student volunteer team – some for good as they graduate (good luck guys!) some just until September when they have already agreed they will return. This was the fifth year of the volunteer Scheme and feels like something of a milestone, so I thought it would be …
From DHC to Houses of Parliament; how volunteering helped me to land my dream job by DHC volunteer alumna Rhiannon Compton.
June 24, 2016
As a history student at the University of Nottingham, I stumbled upon the career option of archivist. I knew that I loved history and that I wanted to continue it in some way and also I found information management really interesting. I began to undertake various work experiences with archives around the country to better understand …
DHC Volunteer Projects 2016 part two: The Digital Image Creators.
May 13, 2016
3D scanning on a budget. 3D scanning technology is coming down in price but can still cost tens of thousands of pounds. DHC volunteer Connor March, a third year Archaeology student, has been working on constructing a 3D scanner here in the DHC using a Kinnect camera from an Xbox, a photographic turntable bought from …
DHC Volunteer Projects 2016: The Digital Archivists.
March 8, 2016
Readers of this blog will know that besides working shifts in the Digital Humanities Centre helping out users, the DHC volunteers also work on projects over the course of the academic year. These tend to be themed around aspects of the DHC; digitisation, digital imaging, archiving and digital marketing. They provide the volunteers with work …
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