August 9, 2018, by Kate
Forensic Psychology blog: a bit about us
Our forensic psychology blog is run by the Centre for Forensic and Family Psychology, part of the School of Medicine at the University of Nottingham.
We work together to promote excellence in research and practice in the field of forensic psychology. Our blog has contributions from students, staff and colleagues in the field. We hope to provide an interesting and helpful resource for anyone interested in forensic psychology.
Forensic Psychology staff: Who we are
Our academic staff balance University work with practice in the field of forensic psychology:
Kevin Browne
Professor Kevin Browne is the Director of Centre for Forensic and Family Psychology. His research interests and experience are extensive! But these include: Child abuse and neglect; institutional care of children; attachment theory; human aggression; family violence; predicting and assessing the potential for physical and sexual violence from social and behavioural characteristics of the offender, the victim and the context. His research into institutional care led to the UN guidelines on alternative care for young children being family-based and worldwide de-institutionalisation of children’s services.
Lydia Bullock
Assistant professor Lydia Bullock is our newest academic staff member, she has recently completed our Doctorate in Forensic Psychology (DForenPsy). She now works both at the University of Nottingham and practices as a forensic psychologist in a secure hospital. Lydia’s thesis centred on the perceptions and identification of child neglect and emotional abuse. She is also interested in autism and learning disabilities in forensic populations, in particular developing assessments and interventions.
Shihning Chou
Associate professor Shihning Chou is our Deputy Director of Centre. She is particularly interested in the development of offending or harmful behaviour, psychological vulnerability and the consequences of childhood victimisation, abuse or neglect. She also has expertise in behavioural and psychological reactions under or after political violence, and factors influencing staff well-being. Among many other things, she is also our resident systematic review expert!
Simon Duff
Assistant professor Simon Duff practices with Mersey Forensic Psychology Service as well as directing our top up programme in forensic psychology and supporting students in organising placements. His research interests include aspects of stalking, including offenders, victims, mock juries and visual information. He also completes research into sexual offending, for example conceptualisations of rape, grooming behaviour; and Theory of Mind in men who have offended against children. He has recently co-authored a text book – Forensic Psychology: Routes through the system which provides a complete course in forensic psychology.
Vincent Egan
Associate professor Vincent Egan is a clinical and forensic psychologist with over 20 year’s experience. He has a wealth of expertise, his particular research interests include: Sexual and violent offending; the use of generic individual differences models to understand the basis of antisocial and criminal behaviour; “the dark triad”; multivariate methods for rationalising complex data sets; unusual interests patterns and compulsions. He is also our quantitative statistics expert and a genius with SPSS.
Kathleen Green
Assistant professor Kathleen (Kate) Green completed the DForenPsy in 2015, she now works both at the University of Nottingham and as a Forensic Psychologist for Nottinghamshire healthcare NHS trust. She has a particular interest in childhood abuse and neglect, trauma and the impact on mental health, cognitive functioning and risk to self and others. She is also interested in psychotic experiences, including experiences of voice-hearing and paranoia in the general population. Kate is also responsible for convincing students that meta-analysis is exciting and not that difficult!
Forensic Psychology staff: The admin team
Lindsey and Sue are often the first port of call for our visitors and forensic psychology students.
Lindsey Air
Lindsey Air is our Centre Manager, she organises both the staff and students, and has an encyclopedic knowledge of our programmes.
Sue Martin
Sue Martin is our Placement Manager and supports Simon in the mammoth task of organising placement opportunities for students nationwide.
Contact us
If you want to get in touch, you can email us at:
You can find out more about our centre, including our publications, courses and open days, at the Centre for Forensic and Family Psychology website
In between forensic psychology research and practice, Kate does most of the blog admin. She is a new but enthusiastic blogger, and can be reached at:
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