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No Hiding Place in the YouTube Era

Salutary Lessons in Supply Chain Management from the Horsemeat Scandal   Having begun as a relatively contained problem of contamination, originally detected through routine DNA testing of burger meat by the Irish Food Safety agency, the horsemeat scandal continues to astound. The public is now rightly shocked by its sheer scale and scope.  One senses …

Should we be using carrots rather than sticks?

You’ve probably heard about flashmobs, but have you heard about carrotmobs? I came across this article in the Financial Times last week (FT 31st Jan, Activists trade stick for carrotmob by Amy Tsang), which raised some interesting questions. A carrotmob is described as a group of consumers coming together to buy a company’s product in order …

“That’s the way we do things round here”

Thoughts on Business Ethics and Corporate Culture    ‘Post- 9/11’, ‘post-Katrina’ and ‘post-Enron’. In a world defined by the passing of major catastrophes, there is an underlying optimism that such profoundly unsettling events also mark the beginning of something better, less horrific and morally progressive. Each new ‘post-’ seemingly galvanizes a collective urge for a …

Corporate Social Responsibility: Trends, Threats and Opportunities

It was great to be back at the Singapore Compact CSR Summit last year. There appears to have been a continuing growth of interest in CSR among Singapore firms, public and civil society organisations, and professions.  Moreover, the international interest was very exciting, both reflecting developments in the ASEAN region and interest in CSR in …

Still Avoiding Responsibility: Business and Body Image

A recent publication by Steve Biddulph, Raising Girls, has received plenty of press coverage this week, as he claims that girls are facing a barrage of toxic messages through advertisements, TV programs, and other media outlets. This comes at a time when  resurgent feminist groups are demanding that the ‘traditional’ topless models on Page 3 …

Making the difficult look easy in unfamiliar territory: CSR field research in India!

My PhD research seeks to investigate the emerging corporate –community engagement practices in the developing countries posing a simple question: ‘why and how corporations are instigating community based organisations?’ First year field preparation kicked off with identifying Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) practices where companies are creating some sort of community level groups/organisation and by second …

Does business have a heart?

In November the final film in our annual series – Canned Dreams – was introduced by Alison Ward, former Head of Global Corporate Social Responsibility at Cadbury.  Here she shares her reflections on the screening. The documentary – Canned Dreams, follows the personal stories of people involved in making a simple can of pasta. When I watched …

What can Mainstream banks learn from microcredit?

Capital One recently invited members of the ICCSR Team to join them at a breakfast seminar with Muhammad Yunus, Bangladeshi banker, economist and Nobel Peace Prize winner.  To tie in with this event ICCSR students were asked to write short reflections on microcredit and the best submissions were invited to attend the seminar.  Shakera’s submission was judged to …

Microfinance: Up Close and Personal

Capital One recently invited members of the ICCSR Team to join them at a breakfast seminar with Muhammad Yunus, Bangladeshi banker, economist and Nobel Peace Prize winner.  To tie in with this event ICCSR students were asked to write short reflections on microcredit and the best submissions were invited to attend the seminar.  Mei-ing’s submission was judged to …

Notes from a Visitor

A great international research experience in the field of Sustainability, Strategy and Management Control… After more than a one-year preparation, I started in May 2012 a seven-month international research journey in order to widen my international research network and to concentrate on a series of research projects in the field of Corporate Sustainability, Strategy and …