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Posts by ICCSR

ESRC Research Seminar Social Responsibility and SMEs within supply chains

On 30th March 2015, the International Centre for Corporate Social Responsibility (ICCSR) hosted the fourth ESRC Research Seminar in the Series titled “Corporate social responsibility (CSR) among small- and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs) from emerging and developing economies”. The ICCSR seminar focused on “SMEs and social responsibility in supply chains”. The seminar brought together over 60 …

Some thoughts on Business and Modern Slavery

The Global Slavery Index estimates close to 30 million people are enslaved around the world today. Yes, enslaved. And yes, today. Far more than raising the odd eyebrow, the abhorrent phenomenon that is ‘slavery’ –popularly thought to be consigned to the darker annals of history- has precipitated something of a collective moral panic in the …

Wellness in the Workplace – a call for collaboration

On behalf of Nottingham University Business School we would like to thank all our participants and contributors at Wellness in the Workplace. This conference, in partnership with Business in the Community (BitC), formed part of Responsible Business Week (#RBweek). Our aim was to offer opportunities for like-minded people to: share new ideas, engage in dialogue …

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Gender network goes from strength to strength

Two interesting projects are now in the pipeline for the Gender and Responsible Business Network, which emerged out of an ICCSR conference a couple of years ago. First, the network is producing a new book, edited by Kate Grosser, Lauren McCarthy and Maureen Kilgour, which will be brought out by Greenleaf Publishing in early 2016. …

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A taste of the healing power of laughter

One of the highlights of our forthcoming Wellness in the Workplace seminar on 23 April will be a presentation from Laughing Matters, a small business that provides comedy courses to help people with addictions and/or mental health issues. The social enterprise was set up by Kirstie MacDonald, an MBA student at the ICCSR, who, along …

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How we’re doing our bit for Responsible Business Week

This year’s UK-wide Responsible Business Week runs from 20-26 April, and as part of our contribution the ICCSR is running a Wellness in the Workplace event for companies, non-profits and academics to come together to look at the progress being made on wellness strategies in business. The free all-day event, which we’re hosting on 23 …

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World Water day – 22 March

Recently on an early spring evening, I sat in one of Nottingham’s cosy pubs, deliciously quenching my thirst with a pint of ale while outside a gentle rain nourished meadows and forests. Thinking about my blog to be written on the occasion of the UN World Water Day on 22 March ( makes me aware …

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A rare chance to hear about corporate responsibility in Ecuador

There’ll be an unusual opportunity to get an update on the state of corporate social responsibility in Ecuador later this month, when a group of Ecuadorians visit ICCSR for a public discussion of the country’s responsible business trends. The delegation will include representatives from the ministry of trade, the ministry of planning, the British-Ecuadorian Chamber …

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Is business responsible for promoting gender diversity?

ICCSR staged a lively debate last month on the subject of whether business should really be taking on responsibility for promoting gender equality. The hour-long discussion under Chatham House rules in London was held in conjunction with the Institute of Corporate Responsibility and Sustainability and drew in many London-based ICCSR alumni now working across a …

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After the Gold Rush: Exploring the impacts of gold mining on poverty-alleviation in Tanzania

Dr. Judy Muthuri and I have just returned from a research trip to Tanzania. As part of the European Commission’s GLOBAL VALUE project, we and our partners from Saarland University (Germany), Central European University (Hungary) and Sokoine University of Agriculture (Tanzania) spent two weeks exploring the gold mining sector in Tanzania. We are interested in …

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