February 20, 2012, by Maggie
Aims of the Better Business Blog
The Better Business Blog is intended to provide a channel for news, thoughts and ideas from the International Centre for Corporate Social Responsibility at Nottingham University Business School. Its purpose is to share thoughts, reflections and commentary on responsible business, business ethics and sustainability research and practice. The content is inspired by our teaching, extra curricula activities and research.
We intend to use this channel to comment on issues in the news and also to share experiences and provide general advice to responsible managers, business students or researchers. We are aiming for a blog that reflects the open, friendly and inclusive character of this Centre and that will strengthen relationships within our community of students, academics and practitioners. We encourage contributions from the team here at the ICCSR, our students, visitors and associates. The content will be edited -with a very light touch – by Rob Caruana, Jeremy Moon and Maggie Royston. Style and substance will vary but we hope to inform, enlighten and even entertain our readers.
If you would like to nominate a topic for a blog posting or if you think there are other general areas we should cover using this channel then please add your comments to this post.
It kills me when students are more worreid about cafeteria food than they are about world politics. Will that ever change? They should see the cafs we ate in back in the day.