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Paper or Digital?

I don’t know if it’s because both my father and mother worked in the printing trade but I have to confess I have developed an increasingly passionate love affair with paper. I like new paper a lot when it is glossy, pristine and colourfully printed. But old paper is what really does it. I love …

Fictional Worlds

If you watch any Doctor Who episode from the classic series, you might well wonder what all the fuss is about. Some were better than others but there are undoubted moments of mediocrity to be found. Occasionally it was downright awful. Yet the series celebrates its 50th anniversary this weekend and has been lauded throughout …

True Stories?

Yesterday was a remarkable day. It was not just that it lasted 32 hours, spent mainly on my way from Kuala Lumpur to Nottingham with an 8-hour time difference. But on the flight and since, I have come to think afresh on the question of truth in fiction and the place of storytelling in our …


I have an article in Times Higher Education magazine this week on superpowers and comic books. I mention there the work of Jim Steranko. My view is that Steranko played a key role in the evolution of the comic book from throwaway pulp to high art. Comics had a very formulaic look all the way …