Don’t miss out……places are going fast!
October 1, 2012
Term has only just begun, but already the Advantage Award is proving to be popular among students. We’ve been inundated with applications for lots of our modules – so much so that we’ve had to close some applications early. But fear not! We’re still taking applications for lots of great modules, so now’s the …
Annalise Grice wins the Professional Development Prize supported by PwC
May 14, 2012
Final Year English student, Annalise Grice, has successfully completed the Nottingham Advantage Award and is the winner of the Professional Development Prize supported by PricewaterhouseCoopers. PwC were looking for a candidate that had demonstrated commitment to developing their employability, career development and professional development in activities throughout the award. The prize from PwC was 6 months mentoring …