Five top tips on choosing your Advantage Award modules
October 1, 2020
By Andrea Fernandes, BSc Hons Economics With over 100 Nottingham Advantage Award modules, making decisions on which one to select can seem confusing, or even daunting. However, the sheer range means there is a module for everyone, including you. If you are struggling with making a decision – much like how I did – read …
International students – How the Advantage Award helped me settle in a new country
September 17, 2020
By Pawel Rogowski, BSc Hons Finance, Accounting and Management Reflecting on my time at the University of Nottingham, the Advantage Award has certainly been one of the highlights. With so many modules to choose from, everyone can find something they like or would like to try. So you should get involved in the scheme. Moving …
A new module to help you transition into the workplace
September 10, 2020
By Cyrielle Mevel, Nottingham Advantage Award co-ordinator The Careers and Employability Service provides invaluable support so that you can find your career path and be successful in the recruitment process. To complement what we do – and because the workplace is changing so rapidly – I decided to create this new module – Transitioning into the …
The Nottingham Advantage Award in 2019/20
August 27, 2020
By Matt Lumley, Nottingham Advantage Award officer This year was like no other. The pandemic turned the Advantage Award – like the rest of the University – into a virtual experience. Despite this, we are pleased to report that the Award continued to be a success. Here are a few things you may have missed along the way. You completed your …
Module of the Year 2020: How your nominations can make a difference
February 28, 2020
You have the opportunity to nominate the module that has had the most positive impact on your personal and professional development. It is more about the quality of what you write than the number of nominations we receive. So the more you tell us about how great your favourite module is the better chance it …
Advantage Award prizes – How the experience helped me achieve more
January 31, 2020
Our Advantage Award prize applications are now open until the end of February. We have seven prizes this year recognising areas such as personal development, leadership and work in the community. These are sponsored by employers and the Vice Chancellor to give you that extra recognition. You can find out more and to apply here. …