November 14, 2011, by bbasb
Do you have a part-time job, working over the vacation period or volunteering?
Many students choose to work part-time while studying usually to gain work experience or just a bit of extra cash to spend on a night out! However, working can provide much more than this, it can help you to develop invaluable skills such as team working, communication and customer service skills, even if you don’t realise it.
The part-time jobs, vacation jobs and volunteering module is designed to help you make the most of your work experience or volunteering and reflect on what skills you have developed that can help make you more employable. Reflecting on what you have learnt will also enable you to articulate and present this in your CV in a way that employers like to see.
What our students think:
“I will definitely use the skills I developed through my work experience in the future. I have attained strong teamwork, communication and people skills (…) my self-confidence have improved greatly and I feel I could do something similar in the future.” Bethan Parry, Art History and English Studies
You can sign up to this module at any time by visiting our workspace and choosing which group you would like to join. To be eligible for this module you must be completing 40 hours of work experience / volunteering in the time between your two sessions. How you do this is up to you, you may have a Saturday job and just work 8 hours for 5 weeks or if you are working over the vacation period you could achieve 40 hours in 1 week. Find out more and register by visiting the workspace
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