December 13, 2011, by Kay

Coco Tang, Library Fines and Chinese Food

“Kay when are you going home for Christmas?”
“Oh, er, the 23rd?”

“What?! The 23rd? You loser”
“I know”


If you are also one of those really cool people staying really late at university just to study then my sympathies are with you!

Don’t get me wrong I’m stupidly excited to go home for Christmas like most people. Christmas at The Li House is:

  • Dad cooking for 20 people
  • Tiny kids running around high on sugar
  • Muppets Christmas Carol/ Shrek/ Elf
  • Nintendo Wii battles and Monopoly tournaments

But until then I’ve been putting off my literature review by:

  • Nightclubbing at Coco Tang (a rather trendy night club in the city centre) with some girlfriends
  • Racking up £3.20 in short loan library fines (I fully intend to pay this back!)
  • Watching Frozen Planet (because David Attenborough is a God amongst men)
  • Eating a truly delicious Chinese at  Mandarin restaurant in the Lace Market with some asian friends.
  • Having Chocolate Fondue whilst watching Drive (a film with Ryan Gosling and Carey Mulligan) and True Lies (utter epic film with Arnold Schwarzenegger and Jamie Lee Curtis)

I also went ice skating in town last night for my friend’s birthday. It was too busy. Some kid pushed me. But I loved it!

I forgot to mention that I also work part-time as a Sales Assistant at a campus bookshop, where I sell books and gossip with my manager.

Anyway, best get back to reading journals. Stick at your work folks, keep going, soldier on. You’ll be home for Christmas soon.

Love, Kay

Dim Sum

My view from the counter @ Blackwells Bookshop

Keep Calm and Carry On? Not at Blackwells!

Coffee Break at Starbucks

Tanya and Me after Ice Skating


Posted in 2011-Kay