January 4, 2016, by bbamp1

Veterinary Medicine CPD reviews

Vet School Alumna, Jo Henstock, has written about the Veterinary Medicine CPD courses that she has attended at the University of Nottingham. Over 60 one and two day courses covering a range of topics for small, farm, equine and exotic animals are being delivered in 2016. Here are her comments:

Introduction to Small Animal Ultrasound

This was a practical day, with theory and examples given in the morning, then chance to practise skills in the afternoon. We shared a teaching dog to scan between three so plenty of time to have a go. It was great for getting to know the standard images and orientations and then increasing confidence in this field. Open for questions and if there’s something specific you wish to scan there’s time to demonstrate this. Brilliant as a beginner or refreshers course.

How to Diagnose those Tricky Medical Cases

A day of case studies with the practical implications of working them up in practice. The course is delivered with time for questions and is very much interactive throughout. Good handouts so you don’t get lost in the detail. A variety of attendees but popular with all levels of experience.

A Practical Approach to the Management and Diagnosis of Difficult Canine Endocrine Cases

A day of interactive case studies to work through following the course providers. We covered the tricky cases and how to complete a thorough work up whilst being realistic on cost, appropriate testing and managing owner expectations. These courses are great value for money, with hints and tips that are easily implemented when back in practice.

Practical Surgery of the Hip and Stifle Joint

Great 2 day practical surgery course. Boosted my confidence with the theory explained in the morning then plenty of time to practise techniques in the afternoon. Covered approaches to the joints initially then surgeries such as lateral suture for cruciates, femoral head and neck excision for hip dysplasia and toggles for luxations. This course provided the next steps for orthopaedic cases as I progress in my surgical experience in practice. The course leaders are approachable and happy to answer questions and demonstrate throughout. Discussions on further techniques also covered but honest advice given on when is best to refer for these. Would highly recommend this course to anyone wanting a better understanding of orthopaedic surgery.

Immune Mediated Disease

A good refresher course on immune mediated disease. This topic is huge and has a massive impact in practice so great to have time to work through several cases. Practical considerations with test costs and timings discussed. A good mix of scenarios to demonstrate the differentials and how to get to the correct diagnosis. Approachable course deliverers, happy to answer any questions and discuss individual cases from practice.

View Veterinary Medicine CPD courses.

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