Participate in Forensic Psychology research online

December 7, 2018, by Kate

Participate in our research!

You can participate in our research here! Both our staff, honorary staff and students conduct research into all aspects of forensic   psychology. Sometimes this includes using online surveys to gather anonymous data. This page hosts our current   online projects, if you are interested in participating click the links to go directly to the surveys. All projects have   ethical approval from an appropriate research ethics committee, if you have any concerns all surveys include details of how to contact the author. You can also get in touch with Kate at:

Research is really important to us, it can help us to understand why people behave in certain ways or which interventions might be helpful for particular populations. We are very grateful to everyone who participates in our research.

Participate in Forensic Psychology Research

Current projects

Risk and protective factors for anxiety and depression during the Covid-19 pandemic in the United Kingdom – Dr Kathleen Green

This study is designed to identify risk and protective factors for anxiety and depression in adults in the UK in the wake of the COVID-19 pandemic. Stressful events can have an impact on mental health and well-being, and at the University of Nottingham we want to contribute to the search for risk and protective factors that may help to guide interventions. For further information please contact:

If you are a UK resident aged between 18 and 65 please click here to complete a survey about Risk and protective factors for anxiety and depression during the Covid-19 pandemic in the United Kingdom

Coloured image of a brain scan

Mental health research – Coloured image of a brain scan