The role of peer mentoring in student engagement
April 11, 2013
Video >> Dr Marion Leducq and Claire Mann: “The findings from the What Works? Student Retention & Success Programme? (funded by the Higher Education Funding Council for England and the Paul Hamlyn Foundation) present a convincing case that “belonging” is crucial for student engagement, course completion and success. The final report identifies ‘supportive peer relations’ …
Creating an academic community.
Video >> Dr Gaby Neher and Dr Nick Thomas: “Both the Department of History and the Department of Art History have constructed curricula with the development of subject-specific skills built in to the progression process. Further, there is a recognition that students need to be socialised into both a University context and into their subjects …
Supporting students in reaching their academic potential
February 1, 2011
Video >> Robin Dollery: “Getting into a University like Nottingham is very competitive. Once we get our students here, we would like to make sure they’re successful and so we try to think about that quite carefully, and it seems to us there are a couple of very important principles within this. “In a very …