Thoughts from the TTP Conference – Sally Chappell (School of Life Sciences)
May 6, 2015
Dr Sally Chappell: “The TTP conference was a great opportunity to hear from like-minded colleagues and there’s certainly not enough room for me to mention everything that I found useful! However, there were many messages from Professor MacDonald’s keynote talk and workshop that resonated with me. The need for student to see the big picture …
Teaching Transformation Programme Tweets
April 23, 2015
Teaching Transformation Programme Conference – April 2015, University of Nottingham This is a record of the tweets that were exchanged during the University of Nottingham TTP conference in April 2015. Introductions and Welcomes Claire Chambers@Claires_tweet Has arrived at #ttpuon15 looking forwards to an interesting event Thu, Apr 23 2015 08:01:24 ReplyRetweetFavorite Wyn Morgan@WynMorgan8 @GabrieleNeher yes …
Moodle activities to promote student engagement in a Computing Professional Ethics Module
Video >> Dr Dario Landa-SilvaSchool of Computer Science Covering learning outcomes about the legal, ethical, professional and social (LEPS) aspects of computing is not only important as part of students’ education, but also required for the accreditation of programmes of study. Computer Science students are often less enthusiastic about learning such topics than they are …