The acoustics of teaching facilities: a case study of the University of Nottingham
September 14, 2004
Peter Rutherford: “The acoustical design of lecture theatres, seminar rooms and classrooms is of paramount importance in meeting the required speech intelligibility for delivering effective teaching, irrespective of the teaching style employed. Given the nature of universities delivering content, new information is presented at such intensity that it is essential that speech intelligibility meet the …
Teaching a physics laboratory module to blind students
July 31, 2004
Janette Dunn and Lara Meredith: Background: “Disability Legislation finally made its way into Higher Education in September 2002 in the form of the Special Educational Needs and Disability Act (SENDA or Part IV of the Disability Discrimination Act). “With this change there was a need to improve staff awareness of the ways they could provide …
The importance of visual aids
July 9, 2004
Video >> Do Coyle: “Throughout the visuals have got to be, well any of the aids you would use have got to be relevant. But now, with being able to transport images from the Internet, for example, we’re no longer forced into scruffy overheads, transparencies and so on. We can actually use colour and image …
Beginning a session with an exercise
Video >> Do Coyle: “OK. Could you, first of all, look inside your pack and find the vocabulary list. “Now as future language teachers you’re all going to be dealing with vocabulary. So what I’d like you to do first of all is to take the vocabulary list, I’m going to give you 3 minutes …
Managing small groups in large groups
Video >> Lecture room There is the sound of conversations in the room as students work in small groups. Interview Do Coyle: “I was giving a session with over 300 students in one of the tiered lecture theatres; it was a one hour session. I knew that there was going to be follow-up in smaller …
Monitoring small groups in large groups
Video >> Group working session There is the sound of many conversations in the room as students work in small groups. Interview Do Coyle: “There may well be instances where you want to monitor what the students are discussing, but the presence of the teacher or tutor in a group affects what people are going …
Demonstrations and visual aids in lectures
Video >> Liz Sockett: “I use props a lot in lectures, probably the least today actually, but it’s very important to have something that isn’t just PowerPoint. Not just because it’s monotonous having a lot of PowerPoint – you can hear people starting to get restless because you’ve done a lot of PowerPoint. “You also …
Asking questions of students in lectures
Video >> Liz Sockett: “Your average class, I would probably break it about 4 times with a straightforward question. In many of the subjects I teach it is easier to ask a question than in prions because I know that the chances of someone out here having had a relative with a prion disease is …
Explaining complex concepts
Video >> Liz Sockett: “One of the things that is very important when you lecture a subject like this is that you have drawn models that keep repeating. If you see the visual aids that I use, a lot of time was spent creating some simple models that I kept coming back to. “Although it …
Student roles in small groups
July 2, 2004
Video >> There is the sound of many conversations in the room as students work in small groups. Interviewer: “You did, on this occasion, ask for representatives to come out and share and that went very smoothly, and very well. Does it always?” Do Coyle: “Well, it’s partly dependent on the briefing, so we come …