UNNC Small Teaching Development Grant successes

Professor Julie Sanders: “We are delighted to announce that the successful proposals for the 2014-15 UNNC Small Teaching and Learning Development Grant (STL) have been selected, with project ideas ranging from navigational design on Moodle and app for supporting student note-making. You can read about the successful applicants and their projects below. App development for …

UNNC T&L newsletter 11

UNNC Teaching and Learning Newsletter (Special Teacher’s Day Edition 2014). Welcome to the newsletter relating to Teaching and Learning issues, Quality Assurance requirements and the Student Learning Experience. Welcome from Vice Provost Teaching and Learning. September 10th is Teachers Day in China and we would like to take this opportunity to welcome you to the …

UNNC teaching development projects

We are delighted to announce that the successful proposals for the first UNNC Small Teaching and Learning Development Grant (STL) have been selected, with project ideas ranging from a digital story to linguistic and cultural diversity at UNNC. You can read about the successful applicants and their projects below. Intercultural Communication in the Teaching and …