Did curiosity do anything more than kill the cat? The place of curiosity in Higher Education

Boyan Bonev, Catherine Cowley, Michelle Hall, Henrik Nilsson, Frazer Pearce, Theo Stickley and Sarah Westwater-Wood: “The University of Nottingham’s, Learning and Teaching Strategy for 2002-2005 states that the University is committed to excellence in the advancement and communication of knowledge. One of the ways in which it aims to advance knowledge is by “equipping students …

Teaching a physics laboratory module to blind students

Janette Dunn and Lara Meredith: Background: “Disability Legislation finally made its way into Higher Education in September 2002 in the form of the Special Educational Needs and Disability Act (SENDA or Part IV of the Disability Discrimination Act). “With this change there was a need to improve staff awareness of the ways they could provide …

Mathematics Electronic Learning Environment in Engineering and Science (MELEES)

Stephen Hibberd and Cliff Litton: “MELEES is a web-based environment, developed since 2002, to support students who take mathematics modules as a part of their course. In 2004-5 over 2000 students across Engineering and Science at the University of Nottingham used MELEES to support their learning. “The principal challenge within the service teaching of mathematics …

Using aims at the beginning of a session to aid learning

Video >> Do Coyle: “I think it’s really important that at the beginning of any session, with any learners, that there’s clarification around where we’re going in a particular session. “I would expect them to do that with, say, pupils in school. I would expect the most erudite of professors to do that with their …

How can you accommodate diversity in a large group?

Video >> Wyn Morgan: “It’s a question of trying to find a balance between scaring the ones who’ve never done it before and not boring the ones who’ve got some experience with it. I think you have to remember what you’re trying to achieve in that particular class in terms of content or knowledge or whatever …

Key points in practical teaching

Video >> Kathy: “I have got two actually and they are more applicable for this sort of afternoon-type lab work which is the sort of work we would do most in engineering. The first thing I would say is make sure the mechanics of what you are asking the students to do does not obscure …

Supporting a student with Asperger’s syndrome

Lucy Sargisson: “As former Director of Studies and Chair of Student Affairs Committee and Student/Staff Consultative Committee (SSCC), I had the responsibility of monitoring the pastoral care and well-being of all of our students and it is in this capacity that I can offer knowledge and information about supporting a particular student with Asperger’s Syndrome. …