ePioneers programme: aims and objectives

Video >> Gordon Joyes: “If you look at the original strategy, it’s like a lot of schools were at the time, full of aspirations. There were policy statements that were to do with the school being a school which needed to engage new learning technologies within teaching and learning, but really focusing on learning and …

Forming an e-learning strategy group

Video >> Do Coyle: “The E-Learning Strategy Group in the School of Education was really formed as part of the Learning and Teaching Committee, and its brief was really to look at how e-learning, and learning and teaching in general, ‘What was the relationship between them?’ “Because there was a concern from some of us …

Quick gains in e-learning

Video >> Gordon Joyes: “What we were after were quick wins. We wanted people to come up with projects within the ePioneers programme that were things that were achievable, that they knew they could do within that academic year or sooner.” Mike Sharples: “So, rather than having long-term projects that may take years to mature, …

ePioneers: a quick outline

Video >> Tony Fisher: “We knew we’d got our innovators in the School. This is the very early part of the take-up of anything, and we knew we’d got some early adopters. What we hadn’t done was, we hadn’t moved e-learning into the majority phase of adoption.” Gordon Joyes: “We began looking at how you …

E-learning mentor as motivator

Video >> Interviewer: “The third role of the mentor, the mentor as motivator, is that something you feel you’ve had an insight into?” Gordon: “Part of the the role I saw, was one of actually confirming with them, what they’ve done was actually a phenomenal step forward. “So, the motivation was about – when I …

Developing a School-wide community.

Video >> Jane Evison: “It’s just being part of a group of ePioneers that I’ve got to know, because I’ve not been in the school a very long time, so I’ve got to know a different group of people with something, you know, we have this thing that we share. Elaine Arici: “But then, working …

Building an online community: a critique

Mike Sharples: “We set up, right from the beginning, an intranet, using a SharePoint server, that provided, for each project, a space where you could develop the project through gathering in material that was useful to it, and also having a blog that acted as both a, kind of personal and group diary of how …

E-learning mentor as implementation advisor

Video >> Interviewer: “Looking at the second role of the mentor, mentor as implementation advisor, how would you describe your input in that context?” Mike Sharples: “Yes. So, it’s important for the mentors to be able to offer solutions. So it’s not enough to say, ‘Oh, you’ve got a lot of problems. I understand your …

E-learning mentor as facilitator

Video >> Interviewer: “Looking at the fourth role of the mentor, the mentor as a facilitator, how did that take shape in the groups you worked with?” Do Coyle: “With regard to the mentor as a facilitator, I think that really was to do with understanding the needs of the ePioneer group that you were …

Auditing current e-learning activity.

Video >> Tony Fisher: “That audit just, really, was a simple taking stock of what was going on in the school, trying to get some information from staff themselves, because however well informed the group was, it wasn’t going to know about everything that was going on.” Matthew Nilan: “People who weren’t particularly involved with …